Featured Video
The Evidence for God
with William Lane Craig, Ph.D.
In this video, Professor William Lane Craig speaks at Imperial College, London on seven arguments for God’s existence.
Is the material world all that there is? Why does anything exist at all? What is the best explanation for the origin of the universe?
What is the best explanation for moral values an duties in the world? Are objective moral values possible?
Is the material world all that there is? Why does anything exist at all? What is the best explanation for the origin of the universe?
What is the best explanation for moral values an duties in the world? Are objective moral values possible?
(All videos on this website are sourced from YouTube*)
What Do Astronomers Believe?
New Scientific Discoveries Prove the Existence of God
with Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
In this lecture, Dr. Hugh Ross, astronomer and best-selling author, addresses the question, “Does Science Prove God’s Glory?”
“In the 21st century, we’re seeing, daily, that scientific discoveries are giving us more evidence for the Christian faith.”
“In the 21st century, we’re seeing, daily, that scientific discoveries are giving us more evidence for the Christian faith.”
Is Christianity True?
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
with Frank Turek, D.Min.
"Does truth exist? Does God exist? Are miracles possible? Is the New Testament true?"
Speaking from his book I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, Dr. Frank Turek addresses these and other questions.
Speaking from his book I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, Dr. Frank Turek addresses these and other questions.
Common Questions:
Evil and Suffering?
Who Made God?
Are Miracles Possible?
Why Not All Religions?
Are There Errors in the Bible?
Is Religion Bad for the World?
Watch the Bible Come Alive
The Life of Jesus
aka, The Gospel of John
The Life of Jesus is a word-for-word dramatization (movie) of the biblical book The Gospel of John.
Take the Next Step
Is It Possible to Know God?
Who or What Is God?
What should you do after you have seen the evidence? Is it possible to know God? How can you know him personally?
Learn the Bible:
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